Licentiate Programme in Marriage and Family Sciences


Basic Requirements:
Bachelor’s Degree in any subject issued by Civil or Ecclesiastical Faculty
Medium of Study - English
Two Year (Four semesters)
Academic year begins in September and ends in May
Classes from Monday through Friday (9.30 am to 2.45 pm)
Integrated and well developed training in Family Counselling and Family Apostolate
Degree is awarded by the Lateran University, Rome; Acknowledged by the European Universities
Graduates will be eligible for Doctoral Studies in Family Sciences

Courses Offered

CodeCourse TitleCredits
ISMF A01Nuptial Mystery: Theology of the Body (Part I)2
ISMF A02The Theological Significance of the Body (Part II)2
ISMF A03Communio Personarum2
ISMF A09Anthropological questions in the perspectives of “Laudato si”2
ISMF B01Marriage and Family in the Old Testament2
ISMF B02Marriage and Family in the New Testament2
ISMF B03Life in the Bible2
ISMF M01Primacy of Love - Thomistic Interpretation of Morality2
ISMF M02Moral experience & the Structure of Virtuous Behaviour2
ISMF M03The Vocation to love: Sexuality and Happiness2
ISMF M04Different Schools in Moral Philosophy1
ISMF M11Fundamental Moral Theology: Freedom, Conscience and Human Action I & II2
ISMF M12Learning to Love: Passion and Choice2
ISMF M13An Excellent Love: Chastity and Charity2
ISMF M14Bioethics: LGBT Issues2
ISMF P03Family Psychology3
ISMF P05Theories of Personality2
ISMF S01Social Subjectivity of the Family2
ISMF T01Patristic teachings on Marriage and Family2
ISMF T02Family Spirituality & Eucharistic Foundation of Marriage & Family2
ISMF T04Indissolubility of Marriage2
ISMF T05Theology of Marriage and Family2
ISMF T14Theological Analysis of sexual difference in the catechesis of John Paul II2
ISMF T15Family in Literature and Cinema in the Indian Context2
ISMF T16Fundamental Theology of the Christian Form2
ISMF V01Magisterial Teachings on Marriage and Family2
ISMF V02Marriage and Family in the World Religions2
ISMF V03Marital love in the Magisterial Teachings2
ISMF V04Family Apostolate & Family Ministries2
ISMF V14Modern Culture and the Sacrament of Marriage & Family2
ISMF V16Laws on Women and Children2
ISMF V17Family and Economics2
ISMF V18Pastoral Accompaniment to Families in the Light of ‘Amoris Laetitia’2
ISMF V19Glimpses of Family Values in Modern English Literature1


CodeCourse TitleCredits
ISMF A04The Status of Women in Contemporary Indian Society - An Anthropological Overview in the light of Mulieris Dignitatem2
ISMF A05Natural Family Planning1
ISMF A10Anthropological Foundation of Marriage and the Family1
ISMF LG1Italian/German Language1
ISMF LG2Latin Language1
ISMF M05Ethical Approaches and Issues in Bioethics2
ISMF M06The Moral Foundations and the Human Action2
ISMF P02Substance Abuse Counselling & Family Therapy2
ISMF P04Introduction to Psychology1
ISMF P06Different Approaches in Psychology2
ISMF P07Attachment Theory1
ISMF P08Neuro-Linguistic Programme1
ISMF P09Abnormal Psychology2
ISMF P20Family Therapy Part II2
ISMF P21Family Therapy Part I2
ISMF P22Parenting Psychology2
ISMF S02Family & Common Good1
ISMF T06Foundations of Ecclesiology I & II1
ISMF T07Family and Liturgy1
ISMF T08Introduction to Theology1
ISMF V05The Role of the Family in the Letter to Families1
ISMF V08Counselling Practicum2
ISMF V11Family Care in Pastoral Context – Psychological Approach2
ISMF V12Marital Love & Adjustment2
ISMF T13The Home of St. Therese: A Family Par Excellence2
ISMF T17Patristic Interpretation of Genesis Account of Creation in three Theological Poles in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries1
CodeCourse TitleCredits
ISMF A06Anatomy and Physiology1
ISMF P10Schizophrenia and the Family1
ISMF P11Behaviour and its modification in Relation to the Family1
ISMF P12Adolescence-Related Problems and Family1
ISMF P13Crisis Counselling1
ISMF P14Mood Disorders1
ISMF P15Motivation and Personality1
ISMF P16Psychopathology, Crime and Delinquency1
ISMF P17Human Development and Family Relationships2
ISMF P18Mental Health and Disorders1
ISMF S03Sociology of Health and Hospital Management1
ISMF V06Marriage and Canon Law2
ISMF V07Civil Law on Family Values and Marriage (Indian Context)1
CodeCourse TitleCredits
ISMF A07Hermeneutics of Human Person2
ISMF A08Women Empowerment2
ISMF B04Families in the Bible2
ISMF M07Bioethical Issues2
ISMF M08Moral Philosophy2
ISMF M09Virtue-centred moral life2
ISMF M10Veritatis Splendor & different moral approaches2
ISMF T09Family: The Domestic Church2
ISMF T10Theology of Love2
ISMF T11Theological Anthropology with Patristic Emphasis2
ISMF T12Revisiting Humanae Vitae after Fifty Years2
ISMF V13Pastoral Care for Migrants2
ISMF V15Families at crossroads: Pastoral issues of mixed marriages2
CodeCourse Title
ISMF 605Research and Thesis Writing Methodology
ISMF 606Extension Lectures in Theology & Human Sciences

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)